Receive personalized recommendations to optimize your power consumption.The serve-U app is being developed as part of the research project of the same name and is primarily aimed at supporting energy communities or other groups in using their electricity as efficiently, locally and cheaply as possible.The use of this energy service platform only requires approval of your smart meter measurement data and, if applicable, your generation data (e.g. when operating a PV system). No additional devices are required. With the historical consumption and generation data, the load profiles are forecast and recommendations for action are calculated for the next 24 - 48 hours.These recommendations for action (e.g. switching on devices at certain times) are made available to you as push messages on your smartphone, tablet or browser ( What you make of it is your decision.We are currently still in an early phase and are beginning the first tests.If you are interested in being one of the first to test our idea, you can easily register here ( to take part. (You dont have to be part of an energy community to do this)You can find more information at